Technology Readiness/Adoption Assessment Instrument

Primary Readiness / Adoption Attributes

Technology Knowledge/Learning

Condition Met




Thorough research to understand technology to be implemented Stakeholders in organization have conducted research about the technology to be adopted and understand the requirements, scope, and costs
Prior exposure / learning for the technology Stakeholders in organization have been exposed to similar technologies - this is not a brand new technology with no familiarity

Ease of access/use

Condition Met




Ease of access for the technology Evidence exists through research and exposure that the technology will be easily accessed by and available to end users
Ease of use of the technology Evidence exists through research and exposure that the technology will be easy to use for the anticipated audience and technology staff

Org/People Support Needs

Condition Met




Technical support for the adopted technology Technical support is available to end users and technical staff for the technology
Training of end users There is a plan, resources, and instructors to execute end user training at the time of implementation
Building processes to support the new technology There is a team and/or responsible party designated to build processes and resources to support the technology
Reliability of technology Evidence exists through research and exposure that the technology will reliable in the environment
Extensive communication with stakeholders There is a plan, resources, and identified individuals to communicate with stakeholders
Ongoing funding There is identified funding to support the implementation and ongoing maintenance of the technology
Willingness to try new technologies Evidence exists through communication, focus groups, or surveys that end users are willing to try the new technology

Technology Planning

Condition Met




Technology documentation There is a team and/or responsible party designated to write and maintain technology documentation to support the technology
Technology training There is a team and/or responsible party designated to deliver and maintain ongoing technology training to support the technology
Annual planning for capital investments There is a defined process to annually request and receive funding for innovative projects

Technology Access

Condition Met




Access to tech support for the technology There is a plan and funding for IT staff and end users to access tech support for the technology
Availability of technology to end users The technology is widely available to end users who can benefit from the product
Regular updates to technology (to keep current and viable) Evidence exists and funding is available to maintain regular updates to the technology

Intentional Awareness and Involvement

Condition Met




Technology campaigns to increase awareness of new technologies Technology campaigns were conducted prior to technology implementation
Presentations shared with college community Technology presentations were conducted prior to technology implementation
Peer institution comparisons of technology Technology presentations were conducted prior to technology implementation presentations were conducted prior to technology implementation
Needs analyses for technology innovations Needs analyses were conducted prior to technology implementation
Communication to college stakeholders Communication about the product and opportunities for stakeholder input were provided prior to technology implementation

Primary Readiness / Adoption Score


Ancillary Project Considerations

Pre-implementation activities

Condition Met




Demonstrations of products Technology demonstrations were conducted prior to technology implementation
Sponsorship of technology projects An identified sponsor for the technology is identified and known priot to implementation
Project management An identified project manager and/or team is in place early on in the project to support the implementation
Raising awareness of technology resources There is a project manager or sponsor making stakeholders aware of technology resources early in the project
Communication with stakeholders There is a communication plan for the implementation and a responsible party is identified

Perceptions of technology

Condition Met




Viable technology solution There is evidence through research the technology is technically robust/stable in a similar environment
Extensive communication about the technology project Frequent communications are planned to keep stakeholders apprised
An identified owner or sponsor of the technology to ensure success The identified owner/sponsor is aware of and able to execute their responsibilities to ensure project success
Lifecycle planning for technology replacement There is a plan and funding in place to replace and support infrastructure to suppor the technology
Technologically sound IT staff IT staff are prepared, knowledgeable, and trained to support the technology
Executive-level commitment to technology innovation There is executive-level commitment to the project in the form of funding, communication, and decision-making
Ongoing technology support There are resources, training, and funding for ongoing technology support
Campus-wide stakeholder engagement The project manager or sponsor has evidence of campus-wide stakeholder engagement - focus groups, surveys, advisory committees
End user willingness to learn technology There is evidence that end users are willing to change and adopt the technology
Convenience of the technology for staff There is evidence that convenience of the technology is accounted for in the project - the technology is easily accessed and intuitive

Support for technology

Condition Met




Infrastructure to support new technologies Infrastructure is and functional and available to support the implementation
Proper funding for the technology Funding is known and available to support the implementation - short and long-term
Skilled project management team The project management team are trained and knowledgeable of project management principles

End user access/training

Condition Met




Accessibility of the technology to end users Accessibility, ADA, and security checks have been planned for and completed by end users prior to implementation
End user training and/or professional development for the technology Technology training is established for both end users and IT staff; if certifications are required, this is planned in advance.

Collaboration with Stakeholders

Condition Met




Staff working collaboratively with IT Staff and IT personnel are encouraged to work collaboratively on the project.
Technology advisory committee A technology advisory committee exists, is informed, and provides input to the implementation
Stakeholder input to technology planning Wide stakeholder input was sought for the technology implementation - students, faculty, staff

Established Practices

Condition Met




Sponsor in charge of the technology The sponsor refines existing practices during and after implementations to improve implementations
A valid need for the technology and/or a demonstrated fit for purpose There is evidence of a valid need for the technology - a problem is being solved
Technology advisory committee with broad representation The technology advisory committee is representative of the college constituents
Executive leadership support Executive leadership is always involved in technology implementations to ensure strategic alignment
End user testing of product functions and features End user testing is a routine part of technology implementations
ADA compliance of the technology ADA compliance reviews are a routine part of technology implementations
Security compliance Security compliance reviews are a routine part of technology implementations
Project management Project management practices are continually tested and refined

Ancillary Considerations Score


Total Score


Project Readiness Summary Score % Earned
Primary Readiness Attributes 0 0%
Ancillary Considerations 0 0%
Total 0 0%

Readiness for Adoption Score
Range Readiness Scale
0-39% Not Ready
40-69% Ready
70-100% Very Ready
This project: Not Ready